Legal Consultations
In partnership with the Tulsa Immigrant Resource Network and YWCA Tulsa, we schedule ongoing confidential and free appointments with immigration attorneys to assist with questions and concerns regarding immigration status.

English Conversations
On Saturday afternoons from 1:30-3:00 PM we present Placitas, a fun and interactive way to learn and practice English words in conversations.
Doula Care
In partnership with the Oklahoma Birth Equity Initiative we provide support for pregnant women by a trained bi-lingual Doula.

Community Closet
In partnership with the Bargains Thrift shop of the Assistance League Tulsa, we invite our members and guests to visit our onsite Community Closet full of quality clothing for adults and children.
We invite the community to join El Centro and receive a personalized photo ID card.

Crisis Management Fund
Each month we offer cash assistance to members of our community who are experiencing financial shortfalls for rent, bills, and other daily expenses. During a private meeting with our applicants we offer support, encouragement, and connections for services available to their families.
Community Events
Each year we present a series of community events to celebrate our culture and improve the quality of life for members of our community and connections to resources. The 3 Kings event in January, The Day for Children, The Community Baby Shower, The Community Health Fair are popular events attended by thousands annualy.

Educational Programs
Throughout the year El Centro presents learning experiences on subjects focused on families with young children, training for community peer educators known as Promotoras, classes focused on prevention of domestic violence and well being, and many other subjects to improve the lives of our comminity. All activities at El Centro are free of charge.
- 1801 S Garnett Rd Tulsa, OK 74128
- Monday to Friday, 10 AM to 5 PM
- (918) 410-9805
- PO Box 471513, Tulsa, OK 74147