Dia de la Niñez 2024

Dia de la Niñez 2024 was another beautiful moment of community in East Tulsa. Games were played, prizes were won, kites were created, snacks were had, and children were celebrated. Parents and adults alike were also able to participate in some of our activities and pick up some valuable family resources. Dia de la Niñez was organized by El Centro along with our partners Hispanic Leadership Institute, Tulsa Global District, Hispanic Resource Center @ Martin Regional Library, and Tulsa Parks.

Special thank you to our donors: QuikTrip, La Cosecha, Hiland, Supermercado Morelos

Thank you to our participating community resource tables: Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, CREOKS, Gilcrease Museum, Hispanic Resource Center @ Martin Regional Library, Tulsa Wind Riders, Mental Health Association Oklahoma, Emergency Infant Services, Family & Children Services, parentPRO/Tulsa Health Dept., The Parent Child Center of Tulsa, Tulsa Health Department - WIC, Carousel Pediatrics, Creoks Health Services, Early Learning Works by Tulsa Educare, Unidos Pharmacy of Tulsa, Tulsa Responds, OSU Extension, Tulsa Global District, OSU Extension CNEP, Tulsa Tech, Connect First, College Bound Academy Charter School, Amplify Youth Services, Take Control Initiative, Tulsa Birth Equity Initiative, Supermercado Morelos

Special Presentation by: Ballet Folklorico Xóchitl

Dia de Reyes 2024

Dia de Reyes 2024 was a success! We are extremely thankful for every guest, volunteer, resource table, donor, and team member that made this magical day possible for our wonderful community. Maintaining latine traditions here in Tulsa for those who celebrate is a great privlege. Each family was a reminder of why we work so hard to plan this day and meet their needs. We sincerely hope everyone had a great time at Hicks park Community Center. Until next year.

Special thank you to our community resource tables:

Hicks Park Community Center, George Kaiser Family Foundation, BEST, DIR Study-BEST, Community Health Connection / La Conexión Médica, The Parent Child Center of Tulsa, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, Tulsa Birth Equity Initiative, Tulsa Health Department - Parent Pro, Take Control Initiative, Trujillo Medical, Tulsa Fire Department, City Of Tulsa, OK - GOV -Recycling, Family & Children's Services, YWCA Tulsa, Tulsa Global District, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, Hispanic Resource Center @ Martin Regional Library, Mental Health Association Oklahoma, CREOKS Behavioral Health Services, Amy Ariza Multiservicios, Black Bear Diner, Arvest Bank, Gilcrease Museum, Corazoncitos y Fideitos, and Iglesia Santo Tomas Moro

6th cohort of Peer Community Educators 2023

“Promotores” or “Community Peer Educators” are the gateway between the community and the resources Tulsa has to offer. These new graduates are empowered with the knowledge to connect, find, and create access for their fellow neighbors. Congratulations to the 6th generation of Promotores who graduated from our community educator program. These bright and talented individuals are ready to serve the community with their new skills and knowledge after this 9-week course. The Promotores certificate is a training for people in the community who want to provide support to others through resources and services. During the sessions of this training they have the opportunity to meet representatives from various organizations and learn about what each offers. Thus they become connectors between the community and the organizations, to access services and opportunities to meet each other's needs.

Special thanks to Tulsa Community Collegege and Comunidad de Esperanza for partnering with us in this empowerment program.


Como seguimos enriqueciendo y celebrando nuestra comunidad, recientemente pudimos destacar a las (futuras) madres de nuestra área durante nuestro Baby Shower Comunitario. Nos reunimos en Hicks Park Community Center para disfrutar de un día lleno de actividades, educación y regalos centrados en las madres embarazadas y las que tienen un bebé de hasta 1 año. Nos gustaría dar las gracias a todas las familias participantes por conectar con nosotros y mostrar la maravillosa diversidad de la maternidad en sus múltiples formas. Todo esto no habría sido posible sin el trabajo con nuestros colaboradores: Safe Kids Tulsa Area, Tulsa Health Department, St. John Health System, La Cosecha/The Harvest, Emergency Infant Services, Saint Francis Health System, Hillcrest Medical Center, y Community Health Connection / La Conexión Médica. Esperamos que el próximo año sea aún más grande y mejor. Gracias a todos!


Queremos agradecer a tantas personas por su participación en el Dia de la Niñez. Este evento fue posible gracias a la colaboración entre Martin Regional Library, Hicks Park Community Center, Tulsa Global District y El Centro. Esto no hubiera podido realizarse sin la colaboración y apoyo de todas y cada una de las personas que aportaron su tiempo y habilidades. Desde los representantes de las organizaciones que ofrecieron sus recursos, los voluntarios que donaron su tiempo, los talentos que trajeron diversión y entretenimiento hasta las familias y los niños que participaron en los juegos y actividades. Este es un ejemplo de lo que la comunidad puede lograr estando unida.

We want to thank so many people for their participation in Dia de la Niñez. This event was made possible by the collaboration between Martin Regional Library, Hicks Park Community Center, Tulsa Global District and El Centro. This could not have happened without the collaboration and support of each and every person who contributed their time and skills. From the representatives of the organizations who offered their resources, the volunteers who donated their time, the talents who brought fun and entertainment to the families and children who participated in the games and activities. This is an example of what the community can accomplish by coming together.


El pasado 7 de enero llevamos a cabo el evento de Día de Reyes en Hicks Park. Al cual asistieron aproximadamente 1,000 personas y disfrutaron de diversas actividades. Gilcrease Museum ofreció manualidades para que los niños crearan sus reyes magos y con nosotros podían realizar una aureola. Sonoman X DJ trajo música animada a esta celebración. El Ballet Folclórico Xóchitl le dio un toque colorido y alegre al lugar, al mostrarnos los bailables típicos mexicanos muy bien ejecutados por estos talentosos pequeños. Gracias a todas las organizaciones que compartieron información y recursos tan útiles para la comunidad. Agradecemos especialmente a todos los voluntarios que aportaron su tiempo y servicio, sin ustedes no seria posible llevar a cabo este gran evento. Se compartió la tradicional rosca de reyes, chocolate caliente y tamales. Además de despensas con los productos mayormente preferidos por la comunidad latina. Los niños disfrutaron de bolos y juguetes como es tradición en esta celebración.